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Saint Ann's in the News 

St. Ann Catholic Church has a lot to offer

To the editor:

The best-kept secret in the area might be St. Ann Catholic Church in Sebring. If you have lost the connection you once had with your Catholic faith or your Catholic Church, St. Ann Catholic Church might be just what you are looking for to rekindle your faith.


The church itself is a small community church. The parish is one of the friendliest and most welcoming that I have ever visited. The priest, Father Dyer, offers insightful and thoughtful homilies and is as friendly and as welcoming as the parish.


If you would like to visit for yourself, services are offered Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. I am sure you will be made to feel at home.  However, if you happen to visit on the first Sunday of the month during donut season you will be in for a special treat as the smell of fresh homemade donuts will permeate the Sunday worship.  I will warn you if you would like to take some home be prepared to call ahead and place your order a few days ahead as they often sell out shortly after the mass is over.


With St. Ann being a community church there are many opportunities to become involved in the church activities from volunteering to helping with the donuts or Lent pierogi sales to directly helping out with the mass or other community programs offered at the parish. So, if you are looking for that missing something in your Catholic faith, the chance to reconnect with that faith might just be waiting for you at St. Ann in Sebring as it was for me.


Jim Foster,


St. Ann Catholic Church

330- 938- 2033

323 S. 15th Street

Sebring, OH 44672

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